Natures Pain-killer Powered by Plants🌱

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Series 5 Ingredients

Mitragyna Speciosa Leaf

Mitragyna speciosa is a tropical evergreen tree in the coffee family native to Southeast Asia. It is indigenous to Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea, where it has been used in herbal medicine since at least the nineteenth century.

Packed with antioxidants and known for its wide range of uses, partially owed to the fact that the strain of mitragyna, alkaloid content, and harvest time directly affect its interaction with the human body.

Usually divided into 3 categories, red leaf, white leaf, and green leaf, red being more sedative, green more mood-boosting, and white more energetic.

Its primary uses are said to be for managing various types of pain, depression, and anxiety, or to help stop or reduce withdrawal symptoms from opiate abuse.

Red leaf used in our blend tends to be more relaxing, and the green leaf mitragyna tends to be more energtic.

In all things listen to your body, and always start small on dosage.

Organic Gelatinized Maca Root

Grown wild in the mountains of Peru I find it funny that they call this organic since all Maca is pretty much organic. Maca is one of those amazing superfoods on the planet that pretty much almost anyone can take and benefit from.

It’s well documented from early explorers that the local tribes thrived on this plant called Maca, using it for everything from woman’s issues like menopause or menstrual or hormone problems, maybe known the best for the Peruvian and indigenous tribal warriors who would eat and chew handfuls of it before battle, claiming it boosted their courage and vitality.

Most know maca’s amazing ability to boost libido end energy, balance hormones in women, and help with hot flashes, and a list of healing attributes so long it would fill this page, But primarily it is an adaptogenic superfood that is known for balancing testosterone in men and estrogen in women, and in series 5, the two primary purposes are to bring healing and nutrients to the lower intestine area, where 90% percent of the feel-good chemicals are made in our body And where the microbial In our gut has a massive impact on our emotions, feelings, energy or anxiety, fear or happiness, our gut must be the highest priority so we want to give it plenty of highly bioavailable nutrients.

We use gelatinized Maca and we encourage you to research this more, raw MACA can be hard on the stomach, have weaker strength, and has not been broken down in a way that releases many of the healing compounds and allows a higher bioavailability you get from cooking the Maca into gelatin, before straining plant matter and powdering, and this also allows higher absorption in the lower intestines. “however some fatty acids, enzymes, and nutrients are lost in this process but is still considered the far superior route of maca consumption by most.

(The Series Supplements team is researching if it’s possible to source both in the future in a stable form, to create an even more healing blend.)

Organic Cacao Powder

Cold-pressing organic cacao makes raw cacao which has become known as a superfood due to its high concentrations of flavonoids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants known for lowering heart diseases, stress, and blood pressure, some studies claim raw Cacao helps with dementia and a host of other ailments.

Processing cacao into chocolate usually takes out or destroys about 60-75% of the nutritional value, but by using raw organic cacao we get many benefits outside of the chocolaty goodness this little superfood imparts, including a little-known fact that is a massive benefit.

Cacao contains fiber that bacteria eat to create fatty acid chains. These fatty acids really benefit your digestive system which can lead to an even happier Gut! And all happy feelings start in the belly. 

Organic Ashwaganda Root Extract

Being a powerful adaptogen, ashwaganda enhances the body's resilience to stress. Ashwagandha may improve the body's defense against disease by improving cell-mediated immunity. It also possesses potent antioxidant properties that may help protect against cellular damage caused by free radicals.

There was a big media push on ashwagandha in past years largely due to a few manufacturers who paid for large studies to be done and claims of testosterone, muscle mass, and endurance gains. 

Ashwagandha has been used and respected in “Ayurveda” (a traditional form of medicine practiced in India and around the world) after a few thousand years is still the primary medical system of India with India and Nepal 80% using it!! Many of the ingredients we use in series 5 have been influenced or come from plant based principles learned from people groups who have used these herbs for thousands of years. 

However!! Many results that we studied found that the average, healthy and happy person was not benefited much from taking Ashwaganda, this is due to ashwagandha's amazing ability to lower stress in the body, it’s so good at it, that if you don’t need stress lowered, it can take you into the negative emotions, experiencing lethargy and loss of motivation. (We use a low enough dose this should not be the case without prolonged use). 

However IF you have stress, anxiety, or physical stress from pain or trauma, the active ingredients “Alkaloids, steroidal lactones, saponins, and withanolides” may help effectively lower the stress levels and directly lower cortisol levels in your body, allowing relaxation of Muscles and gut, allowing more blood flow, nutrient absorption, and lowered pain levels as result. 

Black Pepper Extract - Piperene

Black pepper extract (BioPerine®) is a standardized extract, prepared from the dried fruits of Piper nigrum (black pepper) and contains a minimum of 95% Piperine. It is clinically studied for its ability to enhance the bioavailability of nutrients.

Black pepper and its active compound piperine may have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Laboratory studies suggest that black pepper may improve cholesterol levels, blood sugar control, and brain and gut health.

Lack of ability to absorb nutrients properly coupled with the fact that our foods are at the lowest nutritional levels in history, along with the plastics our water, food, and supplements are bottled in that cause a ton of health issues but also fight nutrient absorption in our bodies, we are as a people needing to not only seek out nutrient-dense Whole Foods, but we need to attempt to raise our bodies ability to not only absorb those nutrients but to absorb and get those nutrients to the proper places where our bodies need fuel the most to heal and work.

Piperine is a molecule that does not do much on its own but can inhibit enzymes that would attack other molecules.

It is one of the only ingredients we know of that has a patent on it, the company that figured out how to extract the active ingredient in pepper and maintains its potency patented the process calling it “Bioperine” the non-patented name is “Piperine” companies simply have to pay to have the Bioperene patented name on their product. Our Piperine is 95% but not labeled as Bioperine.

Common Questions

What is Series 5?

Series 5 is a blend of 5 simple but potent ingredients, zero filler or additives or stimulants like caffeine, the best of nature sourced for their ability to complement each other's healing properties while working together to bring balance to areas of stress and fatigue.

Do you harvest yourself or curate ingredients ?

Our sourcing at SERIES SUPPLEMENTS is always either organic or the cleanest and purest possible source. We only use products that have been 3rd party tested and or from established reputable sources that have rigorous testing and protocols, anyone can email and ask and we will give any details on sourcing If needed, It is our goal to find the purest and cleanest product, our second goal is to get that to the consumer for an affordable and fair price.

But no, we are not set up or equipped to harvest plant material and ensure it’s 100% in its best form and purity, so we search out the best we can find in each department from experts in the field much more qualified than we are.

How should Series 5 be used?

Series 5 is to be used just as any pain killer, or to handle times of stress or trauma. (Some of us at Series Supplements have used these ingredients for almost a decade with great results, and many others do as well, but due to its opiate partial agonist properties it has a some potential for addiction just like any supplement that is very effective and affects the feel-good chemicals in the body) we ask that each person monitor their own body and maybe even consult their physician and don’t use this if it doesn’t work well for you or Benefit you, and use common sense.

This is not for pregnant or nursing woman and not to be sold  to minors.

What is a proper dosage?

Most prefer to mix with orange juice or add to shakes or smoothies, some enjoy the earthy and slightly naturally sweet taste. Or some folks capsulate them and we hope to offer capsules soon.

The dosage is 3-4 grams, but for some folks, 1/4 tsp or 1 gram may be perfect, and others may take 5-6 grams, with being a natural product it will benefit different folks differently, with similar results but nuanced. This is SUPER IMPORTANT TO NOTE. (This product is self-limiting by natural chemical design, which means it will only help to a certain point as a “partial agonist” the active ingredient binds to the receptors in our Brain but only partially, this is why many opiate addicts use mitragyna to find sobriety, it’s natures replacement for big pharma’s brutally addictive “sub ox on” I can’t use the real name.) and thus why the FDA has tried to outlaw “mitragyna” for so long.